We are simply a One Stop Shop!
In search of beauty through revolutionary digital technology that exceeds practical demands of conventional methods, Advanced Digital Textiles has made a bold commitment to taking the lead in Wide Format digital printing by investing in talent and cutting edge digital textile print technology. This allows us to reduce the turnaround time and deliver a high quality product at competitive prices.
Located just outside of Charlotte, NC, our expert studio staff is challenged daily to respond with solutions to special designs, while servicing a highly knowledgeable and sophisticated customer base.
Advanced Digital Textiles has the expertise to electronically create an exact reproduction of the most complex and original artwork. There are no restrictions in the number of colors or repeat size. We take it from concept to the retail floor. So whether it is one’s new pattern for their spring line or a painting that would look great on fabric, Advanced Digital Textiles can provide all the custom printing services to complete the task!
